Rediscovering Sacred Ceremonies: Healing and Connection in Today's World "The entire universe is inside you." Rumi Imagine standing in a circle under the light of a full moon, holding hands with fellow retreat guests, feeling a profound sense of connection and unity with other women as the ocean … [Read more...]
7 Reasons Why Retreats are Uniquely Great for Your Mental Health
Do you often find yourself caught in the whirlwind of life, constantly attending to the needs of others while neglecting your own? So many of us are struggling to find a moment of calm amidst the chaos of work, family, and responsibilities. If you feel this way, please be assured that you're not … [Read more...]
Humanity Rises From the Ashes
The day started like any other workday. My sessions were online from my home office in Superior, and despite heavy winds which are not uncommon for this time of year, there was nothing particularly unusual about that Thursday. Little did I know, that December 30, 2021 was the start of the day of … [Read more...]
Trauma: How trauma Affects the Brain and How to Heal Yourself
How do trauma and the brain connect?You had a car accident. Luckily, you're OK with only minor injuries. But, now, you feel very anxious driving and you dread the thought of even getting in your car.You're worried that every car you pass is going to hit you. Or you anxiously keep looking in … [Read more...]