This is an all too common scenario that happens to parents of teens, especially with females. You notice your daughter is quieter than usual and is not begging you to let her meet friends and go out. It is a nice change, but something seems off. She is not talking about friends, seems tearful, and … [Read more...]
Helping your Child or Teenager get Ready for School during COVID-19
The coronavirus outbreak has resulted in countless changes for families as they begin school-planning with their children and teens this fall. New school policies are in place, virtual learning components are being created, and there is still a lot of ambiguity around how the school year will look … [Read more...]
Online Support Group for Older Teens and Young Adults Fall 2020
Online Support and Coping Skills Group for Older Teens and Young Adults Fall of 2020 Who: Ages 17-20 What: Support group to help teens/young adults talk about their experience with COVID and how it has affected their lives. Learn coping skills to manage the stress and uncertainty that it … [Read more...]
Teaching Kids Mindfulness: The Benefits and Easiest Ways to Do It!
“Pay attention!” It’s a phrase that is uttered dozens of times a week (if not more) in households where children between the ages of two and 18 reside. How is it that when they WANT to, oh say when they are playing video games or watching cartoons, kids can have a tremendous attention span. But … [Read more...]