Lately, there has been a lot of support surrounding the legalization of marijuana. As such, you may have seen media coverage claiming that marijuana is beneficial rather than harmful. Unfortunately, that sends the wrong image to certain populations, such as teenagers. There are more teens that smoke … [Read more...]
What Goes On Inside the Mind of a Teenager?
Understanding the Teenage Brain: Navigating Adolescence as a ParentAdolescence can be a challenging stage—not only for teens but also for parents. While it’s natural to assume you understand what your child is going through because you were once a teenager too, it’s important to recognize that … [Read more...]
Navigating Teen Anxiety: Signs, Symptoms, and Strategies for Parent
Parenting a teenager can be challenging, especially during the transformative years when emotional and cognitive changes are at their peak. When anxiety enters the picture, it can make these already turbulent years even more overwhelming. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health … [Read more...]